The Farm Management Of Durian variety, also known as Mao Shan Wang, is the specialty of Durian Harvests. As a result of its appealing texture and flavor, Musang King is one of the most prized and expensive durian varieties.Musang King Durian is the flesh has a thick, creamy texture, a sweet taste with a slight bitterness, and a thick, creamy texture.

Farm Management Of Durian
Farm Management Of Durian

Thinking of Where To Buy Durian?

Globally, Musang King Prices have risen dramatically over the past few years due to limited availability and strong demand. As a result of high demand and limited supply, Musang King Durian is priced up higher in Malaysia.

With the rise in prices and high demand causing significant losses in potential earnings, the Malaysian government has stepped up its efforts to promote Musang King Durian exports and production through the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry as well as FELDA (Federal Land Development Authority).

Due to their distinctive taste, strong aroma, and custardy texture, durians are one of Malaysia’s most famous fruits. Alfred Russel Wallace, a famous naturalist of the 19th century, said that eating durians was an experience worth traveling to the East for Where To Buy Durian

Where To Buy Durian
Where To Buy Durian

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